
南岗Mold Design Services

Why we will be your best supplier?

We all understand that mold design work is a complex and rigorous work. If you choose us to be responsible for your mold design work, we will tell you how our work can help you improve efficiency and cost.

ZC is a professional mold design company. We have 12 mold designers and have at least 10 years of experience in mold design and actual manufacturing and molding work, and have good CAD/CAM/CAE skills.Our services include injection mold design, Liquid silicone mold design, die casting mold design.  


How we do mold design?

l We need you to provide a model file(STP, IGS, DXF, DWG, Cad Key PPT, STL, X_T, CATIA, UG files, etc.) We will provide you with a quote.

At the same time, you can send us a sample drawing file. Customize mold design to your standards.

We will design a DFM to confirm.

Next we start the mold design. We can 2-3 people design a set of molds at the same time. Send you confirmation every day, let you know the mold design status.

Until the mold design is completed. I know everyone's design ideas are different, so if you need to change, you can send us pictures. Customize mold design to your standards.  


How we Improve Mold Design Efficiency?

Depending upon the project, we can also do round the clock design. Because of the time difference between US/Europe and China, Chinese designers can start work on a portion of the design after US designers leave for the day and have it ready the next morning for the US designers to continue the work. You can shorten your mold design lead-time significantly, if we can work simultaneously with you. At the same time, we can 2-3 people design a set of molds at the same time. Send you confirmation every day, let you know the mold design status. 

3 things to know about mold design outsourcing

1.What software do you use for mold design, Will it conflict with the software our company is using now?

We use NX (UG) for mold design, we can convert (STP, X_T) files to you. Before mold manufacture, we are responsible for all the design work. 

2.Are you worried that we will leak your mold design standards?

Integrity is the most important requirement for us to be your friend. We will comply with all your requests. 

3.Are you worried that we are not familiar with your design standards?

I think the mold knowledge is probably the same. Many of our customers come from Europe and America. If you have a mold design standard, you can provide it to us, collaborative mold design with your ideas.


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